"Peace I leave with you.
My peace I leave with you"

John Chapter 14 verse 27

words to rebuild boundaries

Those who hurt, wound, use and abuse others do so by
 removing, breaking down or breaching other's boundaries.
so where can we start to rebuild our boundaries?

Proverbs is one of the books of wisdom - right next to Psalms in the centre of the Bible.

What will be the foundation of my recovery?

When I was  17 my aunt gave me a book "A Man Called Peter" by Catherine Marshall. one chapter was about Peter trusting God for his provision. God really spoke to me.  Matthew Chapter 6 verse 33
became a foundational principal in my life.
"Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness
and all thee things will be added unto you."

The following principles are powerful anti venom words:

     which modern thinking has mocked, ridiculed, claimed to be irrelevant when in fact they are life giving.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. (NIV)
        Proverbs Chapter 1 verse 7

The law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul .

The fear of the Lord and the law of the Lord  have empowered   many followers of Christ .
          The dismissal of the significance of the Law of God during the second half  of the twentieth century in western society has broken down many boundaries, leaving many vulnerable to exploitation. Some have mocked God  - often for their own ends. At the end of the day our recovery is played out in the context of good and evil - God and the demons of hell.  Child sexual abuse is certainly possably the most destructive assult on the human soul, but it is but one of many expressions of evil.
          It seems to me that  a dependance on the creator, the all knowing God , who speaks the words of life,
to reveal to us right and wrong
is foundational to the restoration of the boundaries in our lives.

          To talk of boundaries is one thing
the selection of the right boundaries is another
otherwise we build walls which keep out God and people
it's even possable to keep out  protectors and remain open to the influence of the great abuser and his venom.

        Therefore the fear of the Lord God and the law of the Lord God
are friends of  those of us recovering from csa or other abuses
or neglect in our childhood or adult years.

        There are  principles which follow regarding freedom which follow however even in the New Testament  we read :

Jesus said " I have come to fulfill the law"

Paul wrote "the law is a schoolmaster"

       I see God's law as a handrail to hold onto whilst I recover,
to hold onto during times of sexual disorientation.

      A road has two sides -  the modern church teaches God's mercy
but the other side of the road is marked by the law. This helps me.

      I have found that God's law gives me the boundaries I need.
In God's word   I have found   instruction when to  close the door
and when to open up. Who to keep out and  who to let in - and how far.

      I am prepared to suggest that sexual permissiveness is not a way to recover from csa, but  an acting out of  the abuse - often becoming addictive. I dare to challenge new age based  premises
and ask - how can thoughts,  and behavours which bring regret
assist our recovery?
     Could it be that the lowering or puting aside moral restraint
is a false method of dealing with guilt an that there is a better way?

    What if God has provided a way of reataining the validity of His law and a better way to find forgiveness accompanied  with  the smashing of guilt?
     I digress -  we ought to quit sin ( our wrong thoughts and actions)  and ask God to forgive us. (link to come)
one insight I learn't in a recovery forum was that abusers don't accept their shame - they do something evil,
something which is anti Christ - they impute their shame onto their victim.
      elsewhere I talk of the need for a theology of recovery - God's provision to those of us who were sexually abused or violated in some other way. (link to come)

     I found I needed to prayerfully renounce csa and  the shame
laid on me. I asked Jesus Christ to remove it, to take it from me.
I need to look at the judgement of God
to judge the sin against me.

     The prevailing school of  thought in Psychology has identified guilt as a key issue which needs to be dealt with. I question  their
response of tearing down moral boundaries as  treatment. It may provide momentary release but leaves the client without biundaries. It often creats confusion - "What's right and wrong?'

      The error of "the church" has been to apply the theology of sin
to those of us in recovery from being sinned against.

      I don't repent of another's sin that I was not responsable for.
I renounce it
I de internalise what I have internalised
I refuse to internalise any more

        Instead to find refuge in God.

many principles will be expounded in these sites

bur right now I'd like to affirm
that the Law of God and fear of God  are helpful ingrediends of our road to recovery.

Could it be  that  here are two keys to breaking through the ceiling I am seeing  in those of us trying to recover?

Could it be that the law of God combined with the mercy of God
and basking in the love of God
whilst hoping in God
actually break depression.

The Psalmist once asked
"Why are you cast down oh my soul?
hope you in God"

please consider ....





anti venum words

I prayed and prayed
asking God "What is the anti venim?"

I felt Him say that's it's positive words

its words which break the power of negative words

its words which encourage
build up

words which set free

words stronger than defilement =  cleansing, puriification, washing.
                              resentment =  forgiveness

Love which casts out fear

The peace of Christ ruling our hearts.


Strong in God's strength

future heading